620 W. Grand Ave., Ponca City, OK 74601
580-762-1462, option 0 for the front desk. Fax: 580-765-7229

Parenting Classes

What do parenting classes do? Teach parents the basics of child development so they will have appropriate expectations of their children. Teach parents appropriate, non-aggressive discipline and ways to manage and correct misbehavior. Help parents recognize their strengths and use them when parenting.

If assessed for needing Parenting Classes, Medicaid/Sooner Care/Sooner Select and the State General Contract will cover the cost of these services when they are attended in conjunction with Substance Abuse Services.
To take Parenting Classes only:

Parental Effectiveness Training (PET)

Costs a total of $435 which includes a book and all weekly classes. The program is 10-12 weeks long and classes are held in the evening.

Love & Logic Parenting Classes

Cost a total of $310 which includes a book and all weekly classes. The program is 8 weeks long and has daytime classes

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